I always loved this ship and always wondered how such a big thing and completely non aerodynamic could fly. Anyway, this time I got to know that they use nuclear power. Damn. You could do better, J. J. Abrams.
When watching a science fiction movie you need to be prepared for non-logical things. I can be prepared for ships flying, warp speed, ultra weapons, radiation, et al., but I can not be prepared for a Vulcan to fall in the back of a ship, right in front of the thrusters, and not being toasted.
Other than that, the story is mostly the usual, a bad guy (curiously Benedict Cumberbatch uses a gabardine both in this movie and in Sherlock series… it seems it is his common uniform), a guy that seems to be good but is also a bad guy, a hero almost dying and getting back to life… so, the usual.
What can I say more? I do not like the new Spock. And I am happy there are still standard feminine lingerie in the future. Very happy.