Quiki 0.01 released

quikiQuiki 0.01 was released last night. It can’t be considered a stable release. While it is usable (in fact Quiki homepage is hosted in Quiki) we know that a lot of details are missing to make it a real wiki system. The truth is that the Request Tracker queue created automatically for CPAN modules is only created for indexed modules, and beta versions (the versions we released before) are not indexed (or indexed in some different index) and therefore a RT queue is not created automatically. In fact at the moment the Quiki RT queue was not created yet, but we expect that to be done very soon.

I will not detail here what is the current development state as you can read it in the Quiki homepage. Positive comments, ideas of new features and requests for cooperation can be added here in comment while we do not have that RT queue.

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