I liked this series a lot. As I included in the season I review, it included lots of action (martial arts-like), cars and car stunts, and pretty girls with few clothes. For this season, you can see some action, a few car stunts and no girls without clothes. The prettier girl around is, probably, Violante Placido, as Caterina Boldieu, but always in decent clothes.
They say a new season will be prepared. I am hoping at least the car stunts get back, because this is getting more and more distant from the Transporter character, and more and more near the 007 franchise.
Also, I am not yet sure why all car makes are removed from the cars. As you can see bellow, there is a Renault truck without its logo. No idea why the logo was removed. I think anybody will see that is a Renault. The same happens with all the Ford, Nissan, Kia, Skoda and other car makes that appear in the series. I think the only two makes I saw were Audi, the one that probably sponsors the show, because it is the transporter’s car, and a Mazda, that probably slipped from the censure, as it appears by, let’s say, accident, at it is just a parked car that get some focus.