After Shrek I was looking for a movie with the Boots’ cat. Finally watched it, and, I am sorry to say it isn’t as good as I was expecting. The animation is good, the Puss is very cute, the story is nothing interesting. Even for children, I don’t think the story is near any of the Shrek movies (and I consider the third very very bad).
Although I can cope with a movie like Shrek, where all characters are different (cats, ogres, horses, eggs, whatever) it gets strange when you mix cats and humans, talking to each other. And it gets yet more strange, when you add.. one egg! An then, they all talk to each other. But the poor goose (mother or child) are unable to talk. Gah, I think they need some more work to put a movie out.
Probably is that the reason that Puss in Boots: The three Diablos wasn’t almost mentioned anywhere.