Lucky Number SleveinNext movie for vacations: Lucky Number Slevin. This one was a friend recommendation. As I am on vacations and I am trying to access the Internet not more than half an hour per day, I did not look into the IMDB entry for the movie, so, I was watching it without some valuable information, like movie genre, other people comments, and author list.

But I trust that friend. He did not like “Lost in Translation”, and so I didn’t. So, if he likes the movie, I should like it too. Hopefully.

Incredibly, during the movie I was almost loosing my patience. I was really not understanding were all the movie characters fitted in the story. It all seemed to strange. People without names, names without people. But something kept me in the screen and this time it wasn’t a girl (although Lucy Liu is quite an interesting girl), but a lot of kills, one after the another.

Almost at the end of the movie I was thinking to myself, this will be totally stupid, but I will need help from my friend to understand this story. Fortunately I didn’t. The movie is quite well done, and if you end watching the movie without understanding it all, wait some minutes. You will be still thinking in what happened in the story, and two or three more minutes, and you will connect all the dots, and draw the full story in your mind.

Although not totally a movie in the way I love (if you read my webblog you know I like movies with girls and boobs, or a lot of action) it is a fairy good movie, and I’ll continue trusting my friend about his suggestions.

And sorry for the long post, but being in vacations give me some more time to write these things…

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