A set of three small (erotic) stories by three different directors. First, “The Hand”, by Kar Wai Wong. An interesting story, although it is not that erotic. It is mostly a Drama. Then, “Equilibrium”, by Steven Soderbergh is a little more erotic, but instead we have a Comedy. The story is great. I voted 7 in 10 for the set, but if it was only for Soderbergh story I might vote higher. In this story there is a small view of a woman nude (the first does not contain any, and can still be erotic). Finally, “The Dangerous Thread of Things” by Michelangelo Antonioni is a strange story. Well, sorry, I can not find a story on this. At least not one with a beginning and an end. Probably I was distracted by the girls and boobs, and missed some detail. But I think that directing a movie is, first of all, telling a story, and if you at the end are unable to tell any, then the movie is shit. Yes, Luisa Ranieri is sexy and hot. But that does not make this an interesting movie. So, probably the more erotic, because of the nudes, but the less interesting one.