I teach XML, DTD and the like, and I teach (or show and make students use) CSS for XML. It doesn’t work properly on all browsers, it doesn’t work consistently on all browsers, it doesn’t do everything web publishing needs. But it is a good approach to add some style and usefulness to XML without teaching XSLT.
Normally I give my students a CSS Cheat Sheet. Usually it is the CSS Cheat Sheet v2 from Added Bytes. This time I googled some more time searching for a better one. Basically, Added Bytes cheat sheet present keywords for CSS properties, but doesn’t describe valid values.
In this quest, I found what I think it the best (ok, one of the best) CSS Cheat Sheet available in the Internet. It is from “A Coding Fool” webpage. It is two pages but I do not see that as a problem, given now most printers do duplex and, if it doesn’t, you can always do that manually. Is just one sheet of paper…