Bikini Girls on Ice is classified in IMDB as, in the main category, horror. I tend to disagree. Although the writer might want this to be a horror movie it is too soft.
First, there is no story. Some guy kills everybody he finds. Period.
So, how did I manage to watch the movie till the end? Look at the picture on the right and you will understand. Yes, the guy kills everybody he finds. But this movie director known that, if he added bikini girls, people would stay till the end of the movie. Not because they are interested in whatever will happen to them (they will die, of course), but because they are interested in looking to well looking girls in bikini.
And some handsome girls.
Movie is 4.2/10 in IMDB at the time of writing. I am sure it is not because of the movie. Rating 4, just because of them… the bikini girls.