Organizing books with Book Hunter

Jonas Nielsen twitted about Book Hunter, a Mac OS X application to organize your library. It is cool because you add the ISBN or title, ask it to autocomplete, and it fetches all the missing information from the Web. I did this to some of my technical books (not all, yet), and I discovered I have too much technical books…

Book Hunter

One thought on “Organizing books with Book Hunter

  1. Hi ambs,

    I am glad you like it, I do too – I have added all my books at work (they are actually my own) and my books at home. Using the location field and some smart lists I can fast get an overview of what is where. I also created a smart list named AWOL to see what books did not currently have a location.

    In addition I have created smart lists for different topics so Perl is a category to itself and so is Javascript and iPhone, currently these are based on titles, but Book Hunter also seems to implement some sort of tagging facility.

    Now I just need to get all the books I have in storage.

    I have synched with the Book Hunter iPhone app. I expect this to come in handy the next time I am attending YAPC::Europe and Josette from O’Reilly comes with all her books.

    Take care and happy reading :)


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