I always had a thing for red heads. But Rachelle Lefevre is gorgeous. Nice hair, gentle eyes, beautiful face lines. But no, that is not the reason I am watching this show. And I confess I watched it faster than I thought.
So, why am I watching it? It is different from others. It is not the same old super-hero story like Flash. It is not like Game of Thrones with each episode with so few story. But it is a drama. But with some scifi. Not bad, I shall say. It has some incoherent parts. Mainly one that annoys me: everything outside is exploded and black, but two days after, everything is like in the first day. But, hey, that is not the story. Whatever. It is not relevant.
To tell the truth, I am not sure if I switch to another show for some time, if I continue this in the next season, if I get back to Hannibal or if I just wait for Castle and The Big Bang Theory come back. Who knows?