There aren’t much reasons to watch this series, but the girls are one of them. Not just Andrea Osvárt, that I post here, but lot of other girls appear around.
Regarding this series: sequels are a problem. If movie sequels are a problem (you know Shrek 3 will never be as good as the first Shrek movie), sequels that change the media (from TV series to films, or vice-versa) make things harder. You know, the Mission Impossible films will never be as good as the series, the same happened with the A-Team movie. The other way around doesn’t work as well, and this series is one example of it.
Jason Statham can not be imitated. This transporter seems to be smiling all the time. The main story (or each episode series) are not good. There are, even, repeated scenes from episode to episode. Then, are they trying to imitate Transporter, or Knight Rider? Yeah, transporter has a truck workshop. And the last episode, is mostly Max Payne action.
Ah, regarding action, not real. The guy wins every fight with the minor effort. He doesn’t even sweat.
But then, if you know all this and still like some fight choreography, and some girls, and boobies, and boobs and girls, the series isn’t that bad.