X-Men 3

Last night I went with three friends to see X-Men 3. I saw the first one and liked. I can’t remember why I didn’t see the second. Gone to see this one anyway. Friends: two girls, and a boy. None boyfriend of each other. I was in the middle of the two girls. Yes, it […]


This weekend saw Hulk in the television. I had it in the list of movies to see, so I took the afternoon to be in front of the television. Bad Idea!! The movie is the standard stupid movie of super-heroes and with a big problem for a sunny afternoon: too dark. I closed all windows […]


So, Hitch is the kind of guy that knows how to tell how to impress a woman, but is unable to do it himself. Well, in fact it finishes doing it sooner or later, and that’s good because Eva Mendes is a nice girl. When I saw the trailer of the movie I thought: I […]


Yesterday night I went to see Munich. First, I wasn’t prepared for a 2:40 hour movie, but then, it was pretty good, and the time flied. Second, for a movie by Steven Spielberg it contains no dinossaurs. And yes, that is good. The scenarios are pretty good, old fashion, old cars (a lot of them, […]