About a week ago (and some more days) I went to see Ocean’t Thirteen. My usual company for cinema nights want to see it and I went with her. You know, any movie is a good movie to go out with a girl.
But back to the movie. I didn’t see any of the previous two movies, although I wanted to see them. But, hey, this is not a trilogy, so the story should be understandable without seeing the other movies. Well, the story was, but some details would be lost if my friend didn’t explain me who some people were.
The movie style is different from the usual thriller or crime movies. But it is quite easy to follow. Unfortunately subtitles were white, and the movie is too bright. That resulted in a lot of subtitles not read. Fortunately I understand a little of spoken English.
The story is interesting, is funny, includes action and girls and very nice boobs. So, I can’t ask much more…