Very difficult to comment on this season. First, because I am seeing it for a long time, second because the series changed completely from the first season to the second, and now to the third. And the one that I liked the more (even if with more gore) was the first one. Things got strange. The story complicated. And although from the start, the way the director recorded the movie was already weird, it got weirder with the time. And sometimes getting it really difficult to understand what was real, and what wasn’t. Probably the idea was to the watcher to think, and relate, and analyse himself. But being a non native English speaker, I probably missed details, and some of those long conversations got lost.
Anyway, and spoiler alert, I think the last episode to be exaggerated. I do not think event Captain America or the like would get so many stabs, and continue walking around. Not very realistic. And yes, the last scene is expected. Completely.