Just finished the seventh season of The Big Bang Theory. Yes, indeed, more of the same, but still fun. The kind of jokes is mostly the same, but the story evolves. Even Sheldon kisses a girl , and Raj gets sex with a cute girl. The other two continue with their own blondes.
Some time ago I read somewhere, somebody complaining with this series, arguing it does not have any more fun, and that jokes are now offending. I do not agree. The jokes are the same since the beginning. But some people will laugh on others believes, religion or race, but will be angry when the joke changes to their own believes, religion or race. But no, The Big Bang Theory has, from time to time, a little on that kind of jokes (from the beginning on Blondes, a lot on Indians, a little on Black People, more recently on Christians) but the most interesting ones continue to be the geek ones. And just for the record, on this discussions on jokes, I am a Christian and can laugh with Christian jokes.
But yea, Kaley Cuoco (now -Sweeting) is also a good reason to continue watching this series.