No, this is not a great action movie, nor a comedy, nor anything. This is a museum! Take a bunch of old actors for well known action movies, join them, make bullets fly around, add a couple of jokes, and a movie is done. The truth is that the first one was better. In this some of the good actors from the first, like Jet Li, aren’t there, and other bad actors, like Schwarzenegger, are some extra time. Note that I think Schwarzenegger have some good movies, but he is old. He seems some crazy guy out from the hospice. He doesn’t know how to handle a gun at all. Regarding Stallone, never a big fan from old movies. On some situations you notice he is old, and with difficulty to move. In some others, you don’t, probably because there is a double. Statham is probably the one acting better. I really miss the Transporter series. Van Damme is great in the movie. He is a great villain. This time we have Chuck Norris, but he is not acting natural. Hey, they all are actors for decades. Can’t them act?
I’ve read somewhere about someone complaining about the jokes, mainly the ones related with their old movies (check image bellow for an example). Those I can cope with. As I’ve said in the beginning, this is not an action movie, but a museum. It is to be interesting to watch for people who lived with their old movies, and therefore, their mention is not that bad.
But I should say, I’ve seen no action movie as Shoot’Em Up, with Clive Owen (not a standard bad ass). Probably they can learn a little from that one for the next Expendables (yes, accordingly with IMDB we’ll have it).