First, yes, probably. I know some of you want me to read the books (first or instead). I am sorry to disappoint, but it is too late to read them first or instead, and I am not sure if I will read them at all. That will be another issue.
Now, on this series comment: violence, violence, blood, violence, boobs, violence, violence, blood, violence, boobs. The good thing is that the ratio of boobs is good enough to keep watching. Yes, I am half kidding. Sometime the series betray us. We are too used to the Hollywood movie type, where heroes do not die. Here, everybody die. When you think somebody will stand up, he will die. When you think somebody will die, yes, surely he will die.
Something that is clear from the first episode but starts being more and more clear, and completely clear in the last episode of the first season, is that we should not be relating the story with our past, with the medieval era, or something. This is not just a fiction series, but mostly, a fantasy series.
Now, ready for the second season.