And another season if over. Castle is a great series on murder investigation (homicides), where Castle, a fiction writer, gets to join Kate Beckett, the homicides detective, to get inspiration for his books. Of course he ends up helping Kate a lot, and getting in love with her. And this season is mostly that, Castle trying to get to Kate’s heart, Kate closing her heart, until Castle get tired of waiting, and tries to make Kate jealous, and it all continued back and forth. Nevertheless, they end this season with a kiss. So, season 5 promises them together. Finally.
What I like in this series is that they focus on the murder, and their story is going around it, not the other way around (like what happens with House, where his story is the main part, and not the patient, as it was in the first seasons).
So, here we are, waiting for season 5, probably taking the time to read some of Castle books (first one, Heat Wave, already read. you can find a review on it (in Portuguese) in my other blog).