Yeah, I agree. It is kind of strange that for the Thor movie I post this picture. But to be sincere, I tried to capture one before, but I was too slow. This was what I get but I didn’t dislike it. So, here it is. Not really a Natalie Portman fan, but she is cute, and this picture shows her beauty. Taking the chance to talk about girls, I also liked Jaimie Alexander as Sif.
Well, but the movie… while the other two (Captain America and Iron Man) are more Sci-Fi, this is more Magic. That is kind of weird. Also, it is kind of weird to expect Thor as a super-hero in Earth, when he ends the movie in Asgard. Nevertheless, I wait to see how they connect in The Avengers.
There is a fragile connection to Iron Man, as Stark is mentioned, and some connection with Captain America (but only after the credits). If The Avengers were already been planned, I think the plot could be better written.
Not sure if I liked this more than Captain America or the other way around. They are two different kind of movies, and probably I have a preference for human Super-Heroes. Nevertheless, will give 8/10 @ IMDB for Thor.
Oh, btw, Natalie Portamn reminds me of Stana Katic (Kate Beckett in Castle).