Yeah, I couldn’t resist on posting here a screenshot with all these girls.First of all, a disclaimer: I am not a fan of Marvel Comics (the original books), but I am enjoying Marvel attack on the cinema. But I had in mind that Captain America didn’t use a gun. But probably I am wrong.
Regarding the movie, it seems that Marvel is in its origins stories. If I watched a few time ago X-Men First Class, where some heroes are presented in their beginning stories, here again, we learn how Captain America is born. Yet again, not sure if this is the official story, but that is not that relevant.
Regarding the movie itself, it is not bad, but it is not good. I think more could be done. Too much time is used in the Captain America dances, making it kind of boring (specially if you recall that the movie is 2 hours in length).
Nevertheless, there are some interesting scenes, there are some jokes, and Hayley Atwell is around. My vote is 8 @ IMDB. Next, Thor. I need to prepare for The Avengers. But unfortunately it seems we will not have the Black Widow movie :(.
Edit: I forgot an interesting fact. I loved the idea of adding Stark as a scientist, and showing a science fair, etc, making it somewhat parallel or related with Iron Man. Well, at least, my understanding is that Mr. Stark that appears in this movie should be Iron Man’s father.