PR-Challenge: January

Cross posted from my blog.

As pointed out in my previous post (here), in the January assignment on the Pull Request Challenge, I got the Data::ObjectDriver module.

For this module I created two very simple pull requests. One regarding its management with Module::Install, that is quite dependent on the author’s taste. That one wasn’t merged yet and who knows if it will. The second one, also very simple, just fixed a test that relied on a DBD::SQLite error message that changed with recent versions. This PR was merged, and a development version of the module just hit CPAN.

Meanwhile, I think the most interesting achievement on this month challenge was that with this we got SIXAPART guys, that use this module heavily, to adopt it. Therefore, the current maintainer that did not have much time for it can now rest, and the module will get updated in the future. Also, the SIXAPART guys just resurrected their CPAN account.

This all to say that this challenge can be useful in quite different ways.

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