Dicionário-Aberto Restful API

In the last days I have been developing a Restful API for Dicionário Aberto. While Dicionário Aberto is a dictionary for the Portuguese language and therefore most users are Portuguese I prefer to describe the API here in English.

You can use a JSON or XML approach. URLs are the same. You can just change your ACCEPTS HTTP header to request xml or json documents, or you can add a .json and .xml in the URL as shown in the examples bellow.

To search for a specific entry, say cavalo, use http://dicionario-aberto.net/search/cavalo.xml or http://dicionario-aberto.net/search/cavalo.json

I know the json is not very readable, but it is being generated automatically from the XML. The XML is a subset of the TEI standard for dictionaries. Unfortunately this is not yet the final annotated version, but the main structure will not change.

If you would like to have a suggestions box, you can get ten words starting with a specific sequence of words. The next examples search for words starting with cav: http://dicionario-aberto.net/search/cav.xml?list=1 and http://dicionario-aberto.net/search/cav.json?list=1

If you use this API please give me some feedback on how I can make it better, or on what applications you develop so I can advertise them on Dicionário-Aberto main page.

One thought on “Dicionário-Aberto Restful API

  1. Hello,

    Is it me or the APi isn’t working? Tried setting the header, extension to no avail.

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